Our Purpose

Our Business Growth team work with businesses in the Wellington region to:

  • build capability and encourage innovation through our work as the Government’s Regional Business Partner
  • increase scale, revenue, investment and employment in the region’s priority sectors. This includes bringing together industry groups, making business-to-business connections, holding sector-development events, building expertise through workshops and forums, and leading delegations to international markets.

Read more about Grow Wellington 

Regional Business Partner programme

Our role as the Regional Business Partner for New Zealand Trade and Enterprise and Callaghan Innovation is to:

  • Help business owners in the Wellington region identify needs and opportunities to grow their business
  • Link businesses with business mentoring services
  • Connect relevant businesses to capability voucher funding, expertise and programmes offered by NZTE
  • Provide relevant businesses innovation advice and access to research and development (R&D) funding, expertise and programmes offered by Callaghan Innovation.

In this video, Rich Fraser - Managing Director of PixelPaint - discusses how Grow Wellington provided support, networks and access to the NZTE voucher scheme that helped him identify and fill the knowledge gaps he had as a new business owner: