Disaster Intelligence Will Save Lives
Disaster response and emergency management gains a new quantum of capability from the recent partnership of emergency information experts Intergen, a Gold Certified Microsoft Partner, and Wellington’s front line info-capture specialists TacPlans Ltd.
Disaster response and emergency management gained a new quantum of capability from the recent partnership of emergency information experts Intergen, a Gold Certified Microsoft Partner, and Wellington’s front line info-capture specialists TacPlans Ltd.
Emergency responders will be able to see clearer and further into the chaos surrounding natural disasters and emergencies. This solution combines Intergen’s expertise in solution software and TacPlans Ltd’s innovative information capture and transmit solutions driven from decades of experience in the emergency management and public safety industry.
Software Development Company TacPlans Ltd has pioneered an online platform that brings accurate, real-time, multi streamed media and 3D building information to the professionals on the emergency response front line. TacPlans software applications enhance the opportunities to save lives, restore critical services and limit economic damage during and after events like the Christchurch earthquake.
The technology will be used in situations where understanding the structure of a building is critical to saving lives. For instance, in an earthquake where most of a building has been destroyed, search and rescue emergency workers can use data about the original structure to plan the rescue of persons trapped within. TacPlans Unmanned Aerial Vehicles also provide further situational awareness for First Responders when dealing with Hostage, and Active Shooters situations.
Live television and UAV footage from various sources can be fed into the one system, improving the speed and efficiency to capture news of interest, tag the information and respond effectively will reduce the ‘Decision Making Cycle Time’. TV streamed evidence translates to faster and more reliable response for the public and improved credibility for debrief purposes.
TacPlan’s technology will also enable emergency planners to have instant access to global expertise. This means that a specialist earthquake engineer in one country will be able to see live footage of an earthquake damaged building in another country and be able to provide advice on the risk of re-entry.
In recognition of its global potential, TacPlans Ltd is incubated within Grow Wellington’s business incubator Creative HQ.
Reflecting on two decades of disaster management and emergency response experience as a sworn police officer, TacPlans Chief Executive Steve Milligan says:
“Integrating TacPlans Ltd solutions into an emergency management information system (EMIS) suite of disaster response solutions takes the seamless delivery of reliable software tools right to the true heroes facing emergencies and disasters. Being able to fall back on TacPlans and Intergen as systems that deliver everything you need in real-time gives confidence and speed to emergency management personnel, and enhances safety for the critical human links leading the response in an emergency situation.”
“It's fantastic to have TacPlans at Creative HQ ," says Steve O'Connor, General Manager of Creative HQ. "And even better that we will be party to bringing about the rise of a company that can offer so much to the emergency response efforts in the future.”