As consumers become more conscious of where their food is coming from, local food producers are finding themselves spending countless hours per week on paperwork to meet the demand of food orders. Bucky Box has come up with a solution
As consumers become more conscious of where their food is coming from, demand for local food is growing. Local food distributors (such as Vege Box Schemes and Community Supported Agriculture) are spending countless hours every week on admin to meet this demand, taking time from building their business. Wellington company Bucky Box, has a solution - one they call ‘tools for a better food system’. The social enterprise has created software that automates admin tasks such as ordering, packing, delivery logistics, customer accounts, billing and invoicing - radically improving the painful process of delivering farm fresh produce to customer doors. This allows the producers to focus on producing and distributing the food, not the paper work.
Bucky Box wants to shift the world back to local and organic farming and believe the tipping point for this will be when oil reaches around $200 per barrel resulting in organic food becoming cheaper than industrially farmed food. But that’s too far away for founder Will Lau.