
WelTec looking for business projects

Event Name: WelTec looking for business projects
Date: Expressions of interest due 29 February 2016
Venue: Wellington

Are you a business with a management issue you’d like some help to solve?

Weltec has Business/ Management diploma students with smart minds and creative ideas who are keen to help.  

They are looking for businesses in the Greater Wellington Region who want to improve their planning, leading, organising or other management-related aspects of their business.

How it works

In this collaborative programme, students work in groups of 3-5 on your business issue, reporting back regularly on progress and seeking your guidance on the direction they are taking. At the end of the project they offer their solutions and recommendations.


  • Expression of Interest to WelTec by 29 February 2016
  • Project Proposal due April 2016 (date TBA)
  • Oral Presentation: May 2016 (date TBA)
  • Project Report due June 2016 (date TBA)

Interested and want to know more?

Contact Leah Seno, Management Lecturer
School of Business and Information Technology
Email: ,

Successful projects:

Bostik NZ Ltd, one of the world’s leading providers of adhesive and sealant solutions, which will be implementing a new change management process based on solutions recommended by the project team.

Skylight, a not-for-profit charitable trust offering services to support those facing tough times, which has taken into consideration the recommended performance management system developed from the results of primary and secondary research on best practice

The Jackson Street Programme, an incorporated society that aims to promote, preserve, and enhance Jackson Street as a successful heritage/ retail/ commercial area, which was highly appreciative of and will be implementing the solutions recommended for improving engagement with the migrant business owners on Jackson St.

Able Pet Care, a social enterprise that employs people with an intellectual disability to provide pet feeding and dog walking services, which is looking to adopt the recommended organisational structure to improve staff motivation.